Designing and Building An App From Scratch

An articles series that documents the process of designing and building an app from scratch.

Apr 28, 2023 | ~ 162 min

This is a 8-part articles series that documents the process of designing and building an app from scratch.

I will go through the design process in this order:

  • Requirements Gathering (Part 1)
  • Domain Modelling (Part 2)
  • User Journey Design (Part 3 and 3.5)
  • System Components Design (Part 4)
  • Sequence Diagrams Design (Part 5 and 5.5)
  • System Architecture Design (Part 6)
  • UI/UX Design (Part 7)
  • Choosing a Framework (Part 8)

This series is currently live, which means, I may continue to refine the content as time goes.

Hope you will enjoy reading this series!
